Why do children in Kenya need sponsors?
Many children in Kenya live in extreme poverty where they struggle to even get one meal a day. Many are orphaned through HIV/AIDS and fend for themselves or live with an aging grandparent who has no income to feed them. Many are too poor to go to school, some are left on the streets, and certainly a large number have never knowingly experienced even a hug.What help am I giving when I sponsor a child?
Sponsoring a child means you are providing ongoing care for a vulnerable child, providing food, education, healthcare, and most importantly, a loving home. You will literally change their lives and enable them to learn life skills and a vocation so that one day they will be able to work and break the cycle of poverty.How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
It costs just £26/month to sponsor a child which will feed, clothe, educate and support them through a loving home in Kisumu where they can stay if they are completely homeless or go to for a cooked lunch and respite care at weekends or when they come out of school. The matrons at the home are loving and caring and look out for each child individually, visitng the families, offering life skills teaching and offering a listening ear whenever they need.How do I sponsor a child?
It is easy to sponsor a child. Meet the children currently in need of sponsorship on this page (scroll down) and then Click here to signup online. If you would like to, you can say which child you would like to sponsor and we will arrange that connection for you.Will I be able to talk to my child?
Yes. We encourage letter writing (or emails) which can be passed to your child and your child will write back. We will make sure to send you regular photos and updates and your child will be very happy to receive photos and news from you. They feel a great connection with the person who has shown they care enough to choose them. They want to make you proud of them through their results at school and tell you about their life. Your encouragement in a letter and your pride at their school work and achievements goes a very long way and helps fill the gaping hole that would normally be satisfied by a parent.How long is sponsorship for?
We ask that you can commit for a reasonable period of time but, of course, you can end the sponsorship whenever you wish to.On this page are the children who are still waiting for a sponsor.
Scroll up and down to meet them all and then, if you are ready, click the "Please Sponsor Me" button next to the child you have chosen and complete the form...

This is Billy. He is 13 years old.
His mother is a single parent caring for Billy and his 4 brothers. She has a tough time but Billy likes to help her and support his mother as best he can. At school Billy loves Swahili and Mathematics as well as reading. He enjoys doing his homework and we hear that he is really good at it! Outside of school and the home Billy loves playing football with his friends and has an ambition to play for Simba United in Kisumu.
His mother is a single parent caring for Billy and his 4 brothers. She has a tough time but Billy likes to help her and support his mother as best he can. At school Billy loves Swahili and Mathematics as well as reading. He enjoys doing his homework and we hear that he is really good at it! Outside of school and the home Billy loves playing football with his friends and has an ambition to play for Simba United in Kisumu.

This is Meshack. He is 11 years old.
He is a partial orphan as he lost his father 4 years ago. His young mother struggles to provide and now has a young baby to care for as well. Meshack likes reading, skipping and football as well as helping to graze the cows and wash the clothes. He is a great character to have around the Children's Home!
He is a partial orphan as he lost his father 4 years ago. His young mother struggles to provide and now has a young baby to care for as well. Meshack likes reading, skipping and football as well as helping to graze the cows and wash the clothes. He is a great character to have around the Children's Home!

This is Jane. She is 12 years old.
Jane is the eldest of 3 and struggles at home around her parent's mental health problems. They live in a shack in the community, as many of the families do. After contracting TB we were able to help her to recover and then invited her to come to the Home each day for lunch which she attends with her mother. Jane likes reading and jumping and she seems to like helping with the cleaning around the Children's Home!
Jane has now found a Sponsor!
Jane is the eldest of 3 and struggles at home around her parent's mental health problems. They live in a shack in the community, as many of the families do. After contracting TB we were able to help her to recover and then invited her to come to the Home each day for lunch which she attends with her mother. Jane likes reading and jumping and she seems to like helping with the cleaning around the Children's Home!

This is Ali Junior. He is 9 years old.
Ali has now found a Sponsor!
He is a partial orphan and is one of 5 children. Their mother relies on earning money from casual labour and the family often go without food. Ali Junior is a very sweet child and likes reading and playing football. He also likes to help Matron and the staff clean the children's home and wash the utensils.
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Sign up for our sponsorship news and we'll tell you more about it...

This is Mitchelle. She is 13 years old.
Mitchelle has now found a Sponsor!
Mitchelle is a partial orphan having lost her mother 2 years ago. She came to us in 2022 for support as she was so under nourished and at risk. Her father had remarried and was neglected his 4 children so their Aunt took them in to feed them alongside her own 6 children. The family are extremely poor and there is not enough food to go around.