Our African Children tell us what they think and hope for…

Are youngsters the same the world over, allowing for cultural differences?

We leave you to decide after reading the majority of responses of eight of our Kisumu Children. Football and reading were among their best-loved occupations though predictably, football was a clear winner in the favourite sport section. School and local landmark featured among the places our children like to go while, surprisingly, the jobs they liked most were mopping the dormitory and washing clothes, though one brave soul offered cutting the grass!

The food they liked best? If you guessed “chicken and chips” you’d be spot on! The least-liked food probably finds echoes among UK children – porridge! The most popular TV programmes were movies and K.T. News, through news programmes also featured among the least-likes TV. The children’s choice of hero/heroine was quite revealing, varying from footballers (Torres and Rooney) to a science teacher and our manager Philemon.

Favourite cartoons were donated by ‘Sofia the First,’ while Social Studies achieved prominence among their best-liked subjects. No prizes for guessing their worst – maths! We loved the responses to ‘When I grow up, I want to be …’ which included doctor, the first choice, but also police, teacher, pilot, footballer and surgeon.

Compassionate and grounded future leaders in the community

The children’s answers to the final question as to what they would do with 1,000,000 Kenyan shillings (about £7,500) were we felt quite significant, most of them responding ‘help the needy.’ Like the sower’s seed which fell at random on ‘good soil’, the blessing of our UK supporters will not stop at CBCH but through the lives of our Kisumu children will, we trust, ‘yield a crop a hundred times more than is sown.’