Meet Lydia, a very jovial lady and mother to one of our sponsored children.
Our matron, Pamela, at the Children’s Home in Kisumu and our photographer, Alex, arranged to come and visit Lydia. Here she is having changed from her farming wear to her best clothes to welcome them and show them around. She was so happy to see them and show them the goat she was given last Christmas by a kind supporter in the UK. The goat is doing really well!
We have known Lydia for many years now from when her daughter came to the Cherry Brierley Children’s Home (CBCH) as the family were so poor that her daughter was malnourished and really at risk. A sponsor was found and so the staff at CBCH could take care of the child and enable her to go to school. Lydia is still very grateful to our supporters who made that possible.
Last year we had a Christmas appeal to give the gift of a goat for milk (or ongoing farming for meat), chickens and ducks for eggs, seeds to grow food, support for a small business, food supplies, or educational supplies and we have continued that appeal this year as it was so successful at providing sustainable gifts to help families provide for themselves. Lydia was the beneficiary of one of those gifts and was given a goat. You’ll be pleased to know that the goat is now expecting which will mean the new arrival can either be sold or she can build up her goat herd for milk and meat for her family. This is just the start of a new farming venture which will help Lydia with ongoing provision for her family and eventual self-sufficiency!
Lydia talked a lot to Pamela and Alex about how God has kept her and her family, thanking them for being the hands and feet of God to bring her the goat and help her child. She is very grateful to our supporters in the UK who made this possible. She is lucky enough to have access to some land to cultivate and has grown maize with seeds that she was able to buy. These things are so simple and low cost to us but look what they have done for Lydia. She is a proactive lady who just needed a helping hand to get her going and she is able then to take her opportunities and turn them into something for her family. She now works to help others through her local church and so the ripple effect has begun.
If you would like to buy a sustainable gift of a goat, seeds or chickens & ducks for a family in need, this is the incredible impact it can have!