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Kisumu Children Trust

Help for Today Hope for Tomorrow.

Registered Charity no. 1091477

Diary entry of a Kisumu Children trustee

I have been on the board of trustees for just over a year and due to various issues with Covid, I have still not met any other members of the board or staff of the charity in person! For all I know they only exist in 2D! Despite the lack of in-person contact, a lot […]

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Sad news of the death of Bishop Francis

We are very sorry to have to report the sad death of a great man and highly respected Patron and friend of Kisumu Children Trust, Bishop Francis. He died very suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday 29th October in Nairobi. His death has indeed come as a big shock. Bishop Francis was a Patron for many […]

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Finding education through enterprise…

This is Abel. We came to know Abel in the Kisumu community some time ago when he approached us for a loan from our ‘JOG’ fund to help him begin farming a small area of land which he had access to. He had little farming knowledge or experience, only a lack of food and a […]

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Spotlight on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations came together to create a much needed and desired Agenda for Sustainable Development by 2030. The plan was to provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future and was readily adopted by all member states as a call to action […]

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How do you share the good news of Jesus?

When you know the love and peace of God, it’s easy to get so excited to tell others about Him that people think you’re quite strange. All Christians have experienced it at some point on their journey, for many of us it happened as young enthusiastic Christians before we learned of the reaction one gets […]

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“No child, no matter how well loved and looked after, survives the loss of a parent without damage”

Bittersweet fruit of the womb Anne Chisholm https://www.thetablet.co.uk/features/2/19461/bittersweet-fruit-of-the-womb It was our founder, Peter, who sent this article to me for reading earlier this month and I found myself repeatedly drawn into those words from the article above, “No child, no matter how well loved and looked after, survives the loss of a parent without damage”, […]

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The blessings of 2020…

As 2020 draws to a close with all of the unprecedented challenges that have come with it, we are also aware of how much we have to be grateful for at Kisumu Children. For all of these blessings,we say thank you! Let us walk you through some of the highlights from our year. Although all […]

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Annual General Meeting 2020

Thank you for joining us! We have decided not to remove our Annual General Meeting messages from the site after a week, so you are able to enjoy and re-watch them for as long as you like.                           If anyone watching would like […]

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Kisumu Children Trust